Saturday, May 7, 2016

Vallace Disney Cruise Day 2 - Key West, FL

-- DAY TWO --

Monday we spent the day in Key West!

That morning we went to a spinning class at 9. One of the personal trainers, Nemo, taught the class. As we were walking to the gym he runs after us asking if we are older than 18 (you have to be 18+ to use the gym) we're like yeaaa. He LOVED joking with mom saying he needed to see her ID. Okay Nemo calm down.

The class was actually really hard haha. But it felt so good after not working out for a few days.

This was our view as we were cycling!! Makes it so much more entertaining! You can see dolphins in the water, so fun. Also, that's Nemo to the left hehe.

After our workout we ate breakfast.

I never really ate much breakfast the whole cruise bc I was still full from our dinner the night before!

Doesn't this look amazing?!

Before our exploration of the day we ate lunch at Cabana's.

I wish that Kort could always eat lunch with me heh.

Hahaha Kort liked how I took a pic of us holding hands.

It tasted as good as it looks :)

Yes, please!

And we're off to go on the glass bottom boat.

We got stickers with Sebastian on it!

YAY we made it off the ship and can't wait to explore Key West.

We had to wait for the boat to come back from the other tour so we took some pictures while we waited.

Finally the boat was back and we all loaded onto it.

We sat on top and it was entertaining watching people come up from downstairs. It was hard to keep balance and they would slide all over the place hah.

I saw a turtle haha.


The excursion was about 2 hours so we were back on land shortly.

Cutest parents 

We walked around Key West, stopped at CVS for water, some tried Key Lime Pie.

From there Cathy, Kels, Kort, and I walked back to the ship and everyone else walked to the Southernmost point of the US.

We saw so many chickens as we were walking back.

There was a pelican sitting on that pole and it reminded me of Finding Nemo :)

Stopped for a snack at Daisy Delites once back on the ship. YUM.

We also found chocolate covered strawberries in our room when we got back!

I don't remember when this was taken but ... Kraw 


We got dressed up for the night and watched the famous Key West sunset from our verandah. And took so many pictures together ...

Sissies that laugh together hehe.

This is how he gets the ladies.

This picture's awkward but Kraw makes it funny.

This picture doesn't do the view justice ...

Supermodel on board.

The cute couple.

That night it was our turn to eat at Animator's Palate.

Appetizer -- black truffle pasta (not sure its exact name hah)

Soup -- baked potato

Entree -- tuna steak

Dessert -- cheesecake & sundae :)))))

Cutest thing ever.

As we began dinner everything was black and white but as the night goes on everything began to have color!

Our waiter/waitress gave us these pins hehe.

Kraw really works the camera.

After dinner we got ice cream :) Kort was the best at making them.

Soon after this we went inside and sat down in some chairs by the elevator and I accidentally spilled a lot of water and kind of ran away. It gets even better because once we get back to the room mom and I are on the verandah and we see a crow on the ceiling and it starts going crazy so I hurry and open the door and slam it behind me while leaving mom stuck on the verandah lolz. 5 minutes later I notice that the stupid bird pooped on my sleeve. SO GROSS.

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