Friday, January 1, 2016


The morning after Christmas Kraw and I went on a run outside. It wasn't too cold but still my throat was burning !! sooo bad. And Kraw was was too fast I couldn't keep up lol.

Kraw let me borrow his gray long sleeve shirt so my arms wouldn't be cold. Hehe best brother. He even got me warm water to drink when we got back.

After working out I made some oatmeal with peanut butter and an apple. The best combo!

Later that afternoon we went candle pin bowling.

don't mess with this squad. killin it

the shoes are the best part


caught in the act

Later that day we drove up to Loudon, NH to look at the Christmas lights. We enjoyed the lights from the car but afterwards we got out to stand by the fire.

World champ right here.

It's a blessing to sit next to Kort in the car.

I didn't take a lot of pictures the rest of the time being at home but basically we saw Star Wars, celebrated moms birthday {HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY}, and we had an open house for the newlyweds.

OH and a day before we left we got this white stuff!!! A few days late but still.

Kraw knows how to work the camera.

Wednesday the 30th of December we went to breakfast with Jen! We went to this place in Nashua called Riverwalk Cafe & Music Bar. It was so cute! And had really tasty breakfast sandwiches.

And we loved the blue steps!

We vow to see each other at least once a year haha.

We had to get some pictures with all three of us so first selfie style.

And then we tried self timer. Hahaha. 

But eventually a guy walked by and we asked him to take a picture. Success.


Later that night we had to catch a flight back to Utah. On the way to the airport we stopped for lunch at Fudruckers.

And had to get Richardson's ice cream while we were there.

hahaha dads spoon

oreo peanut butter ... too amazing for words

Kraw got snickers ice cream.

They have a water show that really adds to the ambiance. 

Driving to the airport we got stuck in some traffic but thankfully made it to the airport in time. After we boarded the plane they announced that we were overweight and 20 people had to get off the plane. LOL. So there was only one solution the 20 heaviest people had to be forced off the plane. hehe jk. It only took a couple hours but finally we eliminated 20 people through money and hotel stays etc. The 5 hour flight back to UT was kind of miserable due to the fact that I was sick ... Kyle and Kels also happened to be sick too :( 
Once we got to Utah Aunt Suzy and Uncle Bryan picked us up. We drove to their house, ate some snacks. Before we left Jayden was kind enough to de-ice our car and then we were on our way back to Provo! 

I had to work New Years Eve and since I was sick I just stayed home the rest of the night. I finished reading Paper Towns now I just need to see the movie!

In 2015 I learned ...

to buy a phone case immediately after buying a new phone
what it means to be a true friend
that I can do hard things
to have faith in God's timing
to do more of what makes me happy
that sugar is the whore of the earth {LOL @ professor}
pizza is beautiful...actually I already knew that
that thoughtful daily scripture study makes your day so much better
that you can make the best of every situation
you can choose to be cheerful
eating healthy makes me feel so good
serving others is the essence of life
people are always paying attention to what you say and/or do whether you realize it or not
getting all A's is not the most important thing in life
my family really is the best but obviously I already knew that

BYE BYE 2015. HELLO 2016.

K & K ♥

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