Sunday, January 31, 2016


- JANUARY 2016 -

This month was such a good start to 2016! New classes, delicious food, and fun times. Including, the Provo City Center Open House!! ^^^

Started the year off right by eating at the Corner Bakery that just opened up in Orem! I went to one in Salt Lake with my friend Adriana and since then I wanted to go back. It's perfect to have one close now. Kels and I both got the meatball panini with mac&cheese. Exact same thing I ordered last time ... why change when it's so delicious? hah

Good news. We found a TV at our apt complex. After seeing it sitting in the parking garage for a few hours we figured it was a free-for-all. We snagged it up pretty quickly. LOL. We brought it home and laughed hysterically about it the rest of the night.

Romantic Sunday dinner? Baked ziti, Martinelli's, and a candle? Definitely a romantic dinner but minus the romance. 

#OOTD for the first day of the semester. Woo hoo! I'm taking Technical Communication, Medical Nutrition Therapy part 2, Nutrition Through the Life Cycle, Food-service Systems, and History of Creativity part 2. It should keep me prettyyy busy.

This girl is twenty-one!! We celebrated at California Pizza Kitchen! Obviously she had to order a drink since she's legal and everything. Plot twist. It's actually virgin.

Winter can be kind of depressing but looking at the pretty white snow from a warm car makes it OK.

This is why you should go to institute.

Free JDawgs!!

And you may even see a good friend like Tyler there! haha

No Friday classes makes it so much easier to visit the temple! All white everywhereee. 

We went to the MOA after dark to be cultured and artsy. So many people. So hot. But overall, we survived. Which is what really matters.

We enjoyed people watching, listening to the music, and viewing this cool rainbow from up here.

Afterwards we went to Cocoa Bean. 

The salted caramel frappe is indescribably delicious.

The second weekend in January Kyle, Cathy, Kels, and I traveled up to ID to visit grams!! Bananas, 1/2 gallon of milk, and nuts completed a perfect breakfast to eat on the road. We stopped for gas on the way and still can't get over the fact that Kyle got code red to drink at 930 in the morning.

We stopped at Gossner's for cheese. Those ranch curds tho.

Driving for 3 hours gets pretty boring pretty fast.
After what felt like a million hours we made it to Preston and met up with grandma. First we stopped to visit grandpa. We were entertained by this woman in the care center talking about the FBI, Mexican cartel, and murder. Poor old lady.

We ate at a hidden gem that is famous for their murdered burgers. mwhaha. I got the mushroom swiss bacon burger. It was heavenly! and the fries and fry sauce *drool*

It started snowing randomly while we were eating and the snowflakes were HUGE. We tried to get a picture of them but you can't even see them haha. After eating we stopped at the grocery store for some goodies and may have bought some donuts. Yum.

Maple bars are our favoriteeee

Plz be mine.

We relaxed at grandmas house for about an hour before we headed back out to go to Lava Hot Springs.

The water felt so nice. and the view from inside the tubs was pretty neat.

We had to stop at the church to make photocopies of the program for Sunday. Love this gem of a library. We went hard on our tri-fold in here.

Funny story - grams told us that as she was driving away from her house that morning she found one of her cats in the hood of the car. So she put it in a cage for punishment.

As we were driving home we couldn't see anything it was snowing so hard!

After getting back to grandmas house we enjoyed turkey, stuffing, corn, and rolls. She sure knows how to feed us well. A little too well. Also couldn't pass up the offer of peppermint ice cream!! Love the Santa place mats. OH and she also offered us oatmeal banana chocolate chip cookies. hehe :))

Grandma has a book that shows you how to do hairstyles from the movie Frozen. Cathy tried one out on me.
Later we watched Saints and Soldiers and I fell asleep during it.

Early the next morning we had gma's crazy breakfast #350565
We had to hurry and get ready that morning so we could make it to 9 AM church!

Found this posted on the cork-board at church. We saw the Norman Rockwell exhibit at the MOA just a couple days before!
After church we went back to grandma's house for a scrumptious lunch and we were able to go shopping in her basement. haha

The self-timer is a blessing. It was such a good weekend and grams spoiled and fed us way too much per usual!! 

I decided to go to the Marriott Center to watch devotional - it's better than watching it on TV and if I'm able to see it live why not?? The devotionals are so good I highly recommend you listen to them here -->

Our apt complex hosted a free night of Classic Skating! Yippee. Only fell down twice. You can see Emsley rolling into the right. LOL

Thanks random people for making this picture even more perfect.

Somehow we found Tyler there ?

Institute week deux. This time it was doughnuts and chocolate milk. LOL. Didn't even eat a doughnut. Brought them to the bro, best sister.

Monthly cleaning checks means breakfast! Didn't even clean and still passed. Fooled them. 

Kels and I went to Zaxby's for din din :))

And we also got dessert. LOL @ the 2 little bobas. 

After dinner and dessert we went home and attempted to watch The Martian, which I bought. For some reason it kept freezing on my laptop so we had to watch it on my iPad with my bluetooth speaker ahah. Best date night lol.

Got this snapchat from Kraw while I was at work. Too purrrfect.

To celebrate MLK day and no class I made lasagna. It took foreverrrr. But at least I have lunch for the rest of foreverrrr. OH and I made this while watching Making of a Murderer on Netflix. I'm sure you've heard of it by now, it's all the rage.

Since the oven was on I figured why not make muffins too?? These are double chocolate banana applesauce muffins. 

For FHE on MLK day our ward went tubing at Soldier Hollow. It was so fun! Especially going down as a group. We attempted to go down as a whole ward ... didn't really work hah.

We sat on the tube riding all the way up the hill.

WEEEEEE hi emsley hahaha

Institute week three! BYU mint brownies! And Andrew! YAY! haha

There was no where to sit inside of Coldstone so we decided to sit in the car. lol

Coldstone + hot tub (w the most immature boys ...) + ID = perfect night - immature boys

Kels got birthday remix and I got banana ice cream with pb, pb cups, and fudge!

Kelsey's not the only cat around here. meow.

We went to Rumbi for lunch and kels just wasn't having it. On a side note, every time we've eaten out this month we've used our starving student card - yay for saving $$$ and being smart college students.

This is our favorite thing everrrr from Rumbi. The blackened salmon with Rumbi rice and a caesar salad!

Just chillin at home drinking some water.

We randomly decided to make pancakes and blueberry muffins. And they were delicious.

Kels was blessing our food.

Hello, it's me.

HOT TUB time! So hot and steamy.

Sunday drive to church was so pretty! 

Temple at 630 am. Perfect way to start the day. OH and it was a Tuesday so #templetuesday

I was looking at the Valentines Candy at Walmart and I saw these!! Yes please. This also means we are getting that much closer to Easter and spring and warmth.

When you are at the library all day and in class you start going crazy and want to take mirror selfies. But really, I have procrastinated for too long and all the work and studying is piling up :/

Found this at my door when I got home from a date! The cookies were delicious! I like nice people.

I love getting texts from dad - makes my day haha

Typical morning ... apple slices&peanut butter while reading the BOM. lovelove starting the day this way.

I re-organized my cork board at the beginning of the month and I love it. Kort gave me the art on the top left. It's a stamp she made!

Kort also made this neat calendar. She is so awesome!! If you want any artwork ... she's your girl.

BYU vs. Pepperdine

creepin' on the bro


The Provo City Center Temple Open House started this month. It's gorgeous!

We went on a special tour where we saw the bridal room! The detail is amazing.

It was even better with friends.

Going to the open house was such a nice Sunday activity! I love seeing the temple and remembering the eternal perspective of everything.

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