Monday, February 29, 2016


-- FEBRUARY 2016 --

Highlight of the month: seeing Kori for the first time in almost two years !!!
She served a mission in Nashville and we're so excited to have her back at BYU this spring.
The rest of the month was pretty great too with snow, Valentine's day, and a puppy.

BYU game on a Thursday night was a nice break from school. 

I bought a $6 ROC meal since I went straight from class to the game and didn't get a chance to eat dinner. I asked for a hamburger and they were out. I asked for a chicken sandwich and they were out. soooo I guess it had to be the hot dog. YAY

I swear it was colder than 25 degrees. SO COLD. 

It snowed overnight and I thought it was fun to be the first person to walk in the snow on my way to the gym.

I helped judge a science fair at an elementary school and they gave me candy as a thank you! 

Rubio's gave me a coupon for my half birthday!! HOLLA at turning 21 in 6 months. Also, this salmon burrito is yum.

Kyle and Cathy got a puppy! Meet Sydney. She was so kind to pose for the camera.

The sun was out for once after being cloudy and snowy for so long. It made me happy :))

The first weekend of February we went up to Heber and stayed the night at our Uncle Jack and Aunt Vicki's house! Sydney came too haha

oh hi grams!!

Sydney was hyper and acting crazy the whole night. Kelsey enjoyed playing with her even though she was psycho. 
That night I had hives all over my body and the next morning it was even worse! I still don't know what it is that made me have such a bad reaction :/

The whole purpose of our visit was to watch our cousin Allison be baptized! We were lucky to be there for such a special day. She is adorable!

We really liked the penguins on Maddie's shirt. She's so cute.

and sassy hahaha.

Just twerkin my life away. if you're ever in the mood for a hospital visit {who isn't} give me a call! I can get you foooood.

If you don't like maple bars I don't like you. JK. but am I?

They were passing out free t-shirts outside the library during honor week and I was forced into this awkward squinty eyed pic.

Thanks Chipotle for the free salad! You da best. 

Getting packages in the mail makes me so so so happy. So when I got a package from NH I was thrilled.

Saturday morning temple trip was spooky.

Woke up Valentine's morning to a package outside my door! From my one and only. hehe

I visited a different ward that morning because I had work later when my ward meets {another reason why 1:45 church is the worst}. I picked the right ward bc they gave all the women chocolate !!

Since it was finally Valentine's day I was allowed to open up the package from my family. It was filled with candy, cards, and pottery that Kort made! loveloveloved it.

My cute little teddy bear. haha

Krawford thinks he's funny.

Made whole wheat banana muffins. I will eat anything and everything having to do with bananas.

Dog for a day.

I was adventurous and also made southwestern black bean soup. Highly recommend it with sour cream, cheese, avocado, and chips!

When does this ever happen???? Answer: never. Glad we photographed this special moment.

Grateful for friends who will go to the Provo City Center Temple Open House with you. Still can't get over how beautiful it is the second time around.

For one of my classes I had to do a grocery store inventory assignment and taste some products. I decided to try gluten free pasta and a fat-free dessert. I'm also grateful for friends who will do assignments like that with you so you're not standing in a grocery store by yourself looking like a weirdo.

Sydney came with to get Blizzards @ DQ. I asked for a shake and was informed they don't have shakes they have Blizzards. OK.

Uncle Bryan and Aunt Suzy took us snowmobiling early one Saturday morning !!!
Kels had work and couldn't come. *tears*

It was such a gorgeous day !!

This makes me laugh.

Pic with squad.

Second pic with squad so Suzy could be in it this time. It was a blast! #neverforgettreechick

On the way home we stopped at Dairy Keen for lunch. Recommend the Trainburger for sure.

The car ride home in the backseat by myself was enjoyable bc of this ^^

On a twin date we went to Kohinoor in Orem for dinner. It was amazing.

Smiling bc it looks so good !! {and tasted just as good}

Cheers to good food and being twins!

I made kels take a picture of the moon but it doesn't do it justice. It looked much cooler in person.

"Kyle take a picture of us!" *takes picture of himself*

We enjoyed the last basketball game that we were able to attend. And we won!

Thank you to the lady working for offering to take our picture :)

No Sydney, you can't eat our salads.

My favorite meal as of late.

Wishing the sis off to a good day at school with snotty nosed children. LOL.

Kori drove to Provo to drop her sister off at the MTC {she's going to serve in the 
Boston mission!} and we were lucky enough to see her while she was here for a little bit. We went to Station 22 for dinner. Always a fun and cute place to eat.

After dinner we went to some parties and caught up on old times. & took a million pictures, of course. 

Kori's insta caption was perf ... "couldn't think of a better trio to sit on couches with on Friday nights"

and more ... cuz variety is always a good thing

Wow Sydney we're so proud of you for staying still for once.

Woke up one Saturday morning with Kels banging on my wall to look at the hot air balloon. Isn't it beautiful?

Picked up Cafe Rio for lunch while Kels was on break at work. I thought the lady working wanted to hurt me :)))) love happy employees haha

The last Sunday of February we had stake conf which meant we were done at noon! It's starting to get into the 60s and with the sun shining it feels warm for once. Since we were done with church so early we had time for a Sunday stroll. I spotted this sign that was falling down and successfully got it down from that metal post it was stuck to. We took it home in honor of Wynne and our attempt at stealing signs. Jokes, we're not thieves...

Very proud of ourselves.

We even took pictures in honor of this great event.

never quite sure how to pose.

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