Thursday, May 5, 2016

Vallace Disney Cruise Day 1 - all aboard!

-- DAY ONE --

We loved our 3-day cruise so much last year we had to go on another this year.

First and foremost the BEST daddy in the world deserves a S/O for planning and funding this trip! We are so blessed and grateful to have him as our dad :)

The day before our flight to Orlando I stayed at Aunt Suzy and Uncle Bryan's house. This made it more convenient for me to wake up early the next morning, go to my internship, and then stay in Salt Lake to go to the airport later that evening. Forever thankful to Suzy and Bryan for being our airport shuttle and taking care of Phoebe for us.

We flew out of Salt Lake on a Saturday night, Kyle and Cathy were with us too!

We picked up dinner for the flight.

Late night flights can be fun, especially when the moon makes it mysterious.

We had an entertaining flight sitting next to Grandma Pat. She was a riot. Gotta love when old people try to set you up with their grandchildren.

Proof that we made it to Orlando.

We had to take a tram to pick up our luggage and from there wait for a shuttle to drive us to the hotel that the rest of our fam were already at. 

As we rode the elevator up to our floor little did we know that our parents heard us coming and decided to scare us once the door opened ... I was fortunate enough to walk out first and wake up everyone in the hotel. 

Kort and Kraw were already asleep when we got there, guess we weren't worth staying up for :/

The next morning we hit up the continental breakfast.

Kraw enjoying his muffin.

Kort thoroughly enjoyed her breakfast sandwich as you can visibly see ... 

Kortney never ceases to amaze.

Ft. Kelsey's fingers.

Kort told me to pucker up for the camera.

We love breakfast so much we took a selfie.

Apparently I was dying?? IDK I felt pretty alive.

#ootd with sissy!!!!

Go away Kort .. hehe JK.

We missed each other dearly.

OH NO. Kort found me. *gasping face*

Kraw's best smolder for the ladies.

Let the adventure begin! Cathy and I have the same red saltwater sandals hah.

Kels patiently waiting for Angel, our Happy Limo driver to take us to Port Canaveral.

The palm trees make me happy.

Still patiently waiting ... 

Kraw with the smolder again.

TWINS who cruise together ... 

LOL @ Kraw's sc

It was an hour drive from the hotel to the port.

Party in the back!

Enjoying the car ride with Angel.

There she is! The MAGIC. Once we made it to the port we unloaded our bags for someone to pick up and deliver to our room while we loaded the ship and ate lunch.

Mickey welcoming us aboard and dad showing the Disney Navigator app that lets you chat people on the cruise, see the activities going on, and look at the dinner menu.

As we walked onto the ship you had to tell them the name of your family so they can announce it and dad decided to tell them our name was "Vah-lla-chay". hehe

We went straight for the buffet at Lumiere's!

SUCH GOOD FOOD. and cute parents :)

The salmon was my favorite, it was wrapped in something haha I can't remember what it was.

Enjoying lunch with beautiful people.

After eating we checked out our adjoining staterooms and we found flowers!

We decided to chill in our room for a little bit after eating lunch.

Kraw's not the only one good at the smolder.

We found this pillow in the gift shop and it was $200 ...

8006. The party room!!! Kels, Cathy, Kyle, and I stayed in this room. The rest of the fam stayed in the adjoining room.

After sitting down for awhile we got our swimsuits on to go to the pool.

Creeper in da back.

Kort having fun again.

Aren't her eyes beautiful?

We didn't get too wet. Mainly just sat in the hot tub and laid in the sun.


This is the adults only section, thank heavens for that. Krawford and I were sitting at a table on the side of the deck one day and an employee, excuse me crew member, asked him how old he is and Kraw told him 15. The employee responds by saying, "we'll see you in 3 years". LOL

The hot tub felt so nice.

This is the aquadunk! This part of it goes beyond the ship, over the water. Scary.

I only did it once for the experience and I don't think I care to do it again. You start by standing up in this launch pad and as soon as the operator presses a button the floor is moved from beneath your feet and you are shot vertically down the slide, it's kind of freaky.

I like this pic bc Kraw is the one in the slide behind Kyle haha.

I love love love Mickey and the ship.

After being outside we went to the spa/gym to participate in a spa raffle.
Kels won $100 of spa credit!

While we were there we had our footprint analyzed and then sat in what seemed like an hour long infomercial for goodfeet. We escaped just in time for the Muster Drill.

They made us stand in a line, it was miserable. Even Kyle's face shows it.

It's a necessity to take a mirror selfie when in a fancy bathroom.

We had some downtime between the Muster Drill and the 615 PM show. It was only appropriate to watch Beauty and the Beast and take pictures outside on the verandah.

Almost every night at 615 PM we went to a show here in the Walt Disney Theater. The show this night was called "All Aboard".

After the show we went to our 815 PM dinner at Lumiere's.

Kort and Kraw both got cups with lids and straws bc our waiter, Sebastian, didn't know how old they were hah.

Appetizer -- fried brie

Salad -- spinach, tomatoes, asparagus, potatoes

Entree -- salmon

Dessert -- sweet temptation

After dinner we got into the hot tub until 11 PM, when it closed. After we stopped for some ice cream!

The first night our hostess, Inka (we'll just call her that), left us an elephant!

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