Saturday, August 16, 2014

D A Y 2: I think we'll go to Boston...

Our first full day back in NH proved to be a success! We slept in until 11 and came downstairs to find Kort makin' us WAFFLES. She has quite the personality but we still love her and think she's a qt hehe. 

Kraw AKA squirrel got a decorative squirrel for his birthday so it decided to eat breakfast with Kay :) P.S. chocolate chips, peanut butter, and maple syrup on waffles are the BEST, trust me!

Kelsey's wonderful creation. 

After breakfast we had to scramble to get ready for our eye appointments. Good news from our checkup is that our eyes are still working quite fineee. Once all that junk was done our next stop was BOSTON!! 

'We got stuck in traffic for like two hours. Sweet nibs. It created a great opportunity to bond as sibs though. They're seriously our best friends. 

Kels missed the last photo haha. 

Pinkies to the sky peeps.

Another one for the books.

Traffic became TMTH {too much too handle}. Meditation helped calm our worried souls. We think Kraw's photobomb really added to the pic. What do you think?

First stop in Boston was the New England Aquarium. Cueing fish faces...

We found a cute penguin to model with outside the Aquarium.

We wish we could be like the kool kids. 

Heheheh. Sista sistas.

Looking at all of the cute little fishies and watching the sea lions make the weirdest noises {our favorite part lol} really wore us out so we went over to the North End for some dinner.

We went to this adorable Italian restaurant called Mother Anna's. It was established in 1932 so it is legit. 

Kels got chicken parmesan and Kay got lasagna.We loved it! 

Even though it is only mid-August it has been pretty cold here in the northeast these past 2 days. So we decided to utilize our new sweatshirts we had just bought at a random street vendor! 

Just throwin' up some gang signs. 

After eating a full Italian dinner we decided we might as well finish off the night with dessert. We stopped at Modern Pastry, also in the North End, and bought some cannollis. If you have never ate a cannolli you need to, because they are awesome! After, we headed home and relaxed for the rest of the night. We went hot tubbing and tried to plan our day tomorrow which ended up being unsuccessful because we could not decide haha Overall, day 2 was soo much fun. We cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings! 

K & K ♥

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