Thursday, August 14, 2014

D A Y 1: Flying HOME!

After going home for Christmas last year we had the intentions of staying in Provo until Christmas this year... so it came as a surprise when a couple weeks ago our Dad booked us both a flight home {thanks daddy hehe}! Can't argue with that. 

Kyle was kind enough to take us to the SLC airport at 7 AM. {just a side note, this is the earliest we've woken up this summer, thus it was not fun AT ALL} & considering we had to stay up late packing and cleaning our apartment to move into a new room when we get back it was definitely not a fun morning... 

But a quick stop at Einstein's Bagels made it all better :)

At the airport, ready to goooo!
SLC --> Boston 

Just a quick mirror selife before loading the plane while awkwardly trying not to get other bathroom users in the pic lolz 

Take offffff! Kay was the lucky one to get the window seat while I {Kels} got to be sandwiched {not happy about it BTW}. 

Our Dad and Kort picked us up at the Logan airport in Boston. We were so happy to see them! :) We stopped and got dinner at BK {I mean, who wouldn't be craving BK after a long flight}? After spending forever in traffic we finally made it home and reunited with our lovely mother! Of course one of the first things we did after getting home was to take a ride in our cruiser {AKA our first car we shared and drove up until we moved to Provo}. We obviously put the top down and drove around town taking crazy pictures {Did we care if people thought we were crazy? No not at all actually}.

 We stopped at a local ice cream shop called King Kone that we absolutely love and have missed. We both got cake batter, but Kay made hers extra special & put peanut brittle crunch on hers. It was delish!

Our mommy got ice cream with us <3 Kelsey's eyes aren't open but whatever it was the only good pic haha Ice cream wrapped up our first day back! After a long day of traveling we headed home and caught up with our family. We are so grateful to be back home in NH and to see our family :) 

 K & K ♥

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