Sunday, October 19, 2014


This past weekend started out with a lovely trip to the grocery store. We love grocery shopping! hehe Except Kayley didn't go because she had work. :( We try to eat all-natural foods as much as possible. These are some pictures of what Kelsey bought! 

We love our produce. Especially our bananas. haha We both have a banana every single day without fail. 

After Kayley got out of work our friend Dillon from our ward called her and asked if she would like to go on a blind date with a friend he knew. After he called she decided she was too tired from work and asked if Kelsey wanted to go instead. So Kelsey went for her. {We figured there wouldn't be a problem with that lol} It was a group date and we went to The Haunted Forest. It's this maze you walk through with creepy things talking to you and chasing you. It's quite frightening haha Let's just say it raises your heartbeat a little bit. Then after we shot zombies with a paintball gun so that was awesome. After that went to Dillon's apartment and watched a movie. Kelsey's date was a total hippie dude so it was very entertaining to say the least. lolz Fortuantely no second date. 

Saturday we made a little road trip to Culver's! {if you can call a 20 minute drive a road trip ha} Wynne told us that their pumpkin shakes are so we had to go considering we love pumpkin anything. 

And we went to heaven momentarily... 

Saturday night we went to a FOOTBALL GAME. Woohoo We did not want to wait in line all day to get good seats so unfortunately our seats weren't too great. :/ Oh well we had fun anyway! We sat by our friend Brooke that we met last year. We realized that we need to hangout with her more, she's a great friend! 

Pre-gaming fun. 

It was a homecoming game so there were fireworks and lots of balloons. It was the real deal. 


It was a typical Sunday! Church and family dinner aka story time with Kyle. <3 

Church bathroom mirror pic because why not? The twitches can twitch whenever they want.

Wynne was scared because she was in the middle of a twitch sandwich. 

We have tests, homework, work, and lots of school this week. Ewww Time to turn down..... 

K & K ♥

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