Sunday, October 5, 2014


On Thursday {while Kayley was working} Wynne and Kelsey went to a farmer's market at the stadium. There were lots of booths and produce! It was great. 

We bought a bag of delicious apples. :) 

After the farmer's market we went to a food truck round up! It's just one of the many things that makes Provo cool.

We both got food from the sweeto burrito food truck. Kelsey got a buff chick burrito. It was heavenly. 

Thursday also happened to be Myra's birthday! Sweet 19. After Kayley got out of work we got our party gear ready and headed over to Myranda's apartment. 

We made her a cake out of honey buns hehe 

On our way to sweet Myra's house we go 

It ain't a party without party hats 

When we got to Myranda's house she was in for quite a surprise. hehe Before we knocked on her door we lit the honey bun cake, put our hats on, inflated dino, turned on the strobe light, made sure we had the balloons and happy drank, then turned on her birthday song, "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to..." It was a success haha 

Just some of our birthday dranks 

Happy drank shots 

Shots round 2 

Happy drank / Danimals wasted 

The birthday girl herself. She's hot. 

We went to a ROC party later that night {prefootball game party} and Dino wanted to come with. He's such a model. 

Friday night Kayley had work {ugh} but Kelsey and Wynne decided to go to the last rooftop concert of the year! Our plans quickly changed though when we went to the parking garage and discovered that our car had been booted! OMH They thought we didn't have a parking permit {but we do!}. The whole ordeal made Kelsey very salty. So we had to wait close to 2 hours for someone to come and take the boot off. Kelsey just has the worst luck ever basically. :( We eventually made it to the rooftop concert though. We didn't want to listen to the first band so we wandered around center street and went to a really cool book shop. By the time the next band started we just weren't feeling the whole concert thing anymore so we left haha We decided to use our Friday night more wisely and make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies instead. It was definitely a wise choice. 

mmm the smell of pumpkin... 

Twice a year The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints gather together for a General Conference that is broadcast from Salt Lake. The prophet and apostles speak of issues and give us counsel for our day. How cool it is to have a living prophet that acts as God's messenger. This weekend was General Conference and it was so great. It takes place on Saturday and Sunday with two sessions each day. We stayed home and watched the sessions on TV. 

We had brunch Saturday morning! Featuring baked pumpkin french toast and bacon. 

We gave each other tattoos as we were watching conference. lolz Kelsey got cheese and Wynne got a cat of course. 

Sunday we made a delicious breakfast casserole then watched the first session of conference. Afterward Kelsey drove up with Kyle and his friend Cathy to our Uncle's house in Heber. We ate yummy food that our uncle made for us then we watched the second session. After we ate carrot cake mmm. Basically we had a ton of delicious food this weekend. What more could you want? On the drive home from our uncle's we stopped at a little scenic spot and took a picture. It was a pretty fall day. :) 

K & K ♥

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