Sunday, September 28, 2014

It Feels Like A Perfect Night

After a rough week of classes we finally made it to Friday! Someone was feeling a little 22 so we went out and celebrated Friday night. Kyle decided to go to Tucano's to celebrate his birthday! It's a Brazilian restaurant with the most amazing food. They have a salad bar and they bring around different meats. Basically it's heaven. Of course birthday photos had to be taken after. 

The boys. Just lookin' a little Tucano's hungover. 

Twin sandwich with the birthday boy himself. 

Saturday morning we both had to work unfortunately. It was a beautiful rainy day though.

Kelsey took this photo on her lunch break. Just a little bit of BYU campus for you. It rarely rains in Utah compared to NH so we actually love it when it rains. :) 

After a long day of work we went to this super cute restaurant on Center Street called Station 22. It's a small rustic place with the coolest decor. They gave us our water in mason jars. 

We each ordered something different and shared! We got chicken and waffles, salmon fish and chips, and mac & cheese. It was soo delish. 

After dinner we went to the dollar store. This is just a sample of our shenanigans that were had... Not sure what was in our food...

The fun didn't end after the dollar store, we ended up getting punked upon returning home so that was cool. Kelsey left her keychain in the front doorknob so some punks decided it would be funny to steal the whole keychain and just leave the front door key. Needless to say we were freaking out like the drama queens we are. hehe It's a long story but basically the whole ordeal involved a Jesus keychain, a group of dudes, a baby trying to sleep (we don't live in family housing, but ok?), a missing shoe, lots of "Who dunnit's?!", a missing car key, and a rugby playing tackling dude. Yeah... it's a complicated story but we didn't let those thieves get away. We got the keychain back and one of the guys numbers :) 

 Kyle's actual day of birth was Sunday so Saturday night we decorated his front door. hehe 
Wynne chose the princess balloon. lol Oh and you can't really tell but we taped a toy dragon and army men on the door. It was dragon vs. army men. Unfortunately some army men were lost in the battle. :(

Posing with our handiwork at 3 in the morning. 

After church Sunday we came home and made grilled mac & cheese sandwiches with our leftovers. It was the greatest idea ever. We highly recommend it. 
Spot our Wendy. 

After eating we headed over to Kyle's apt! We skyped our family and he opened his presents and blew out the two candles on his cake. haha 

It was an ice cream cake from Baskin Robbins. 

K & K ♥

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