Tuesday, June 14, 2016

JUNE 2016 PART one

JUNE 2016 PART one

June began as expected but my plans soon changed when we heard that our Grandpa Simper passed away. Our family flew quickly to UT for the funeral. Gratefully, my co-worker was able to cover my shifts so I could go to ID to attend the funeral. Although, my family was out West for less than a week we managed to have a good time. ^^

I was able to celebrate Kaitlyn's 11th birthday at the beginning of the month!!

Grandma was there to celebrate too! We had fun swapping faces. I think it suits me well, I am a grandma at heart.

I stayed the night and the next morning I woke up to Allison the nerd!!! Isn't she so cute? It was dress up day at school.

The view back to Provo was A+.

Jane and I had a Sodalicious // hot tub night!

Is the sugar cookie worth it? YES.

I'm brilliant and set my phone up on my car to snap pics :)))

Always a fun time talking boys, awkwardness, and life with Jane ^^


Pretending to be animals together ...

We all know snapchat filters make anyone look 10x better...

When an e-card from Kendra makes your heart go pitter patter ... that's when you know it's real.

Kendra, Natalie, and I went on a night hike in Rock Canyon!!!

We were having a good time until we reached the spooky second bridge ....

HAHAHA the flash tho ^^

Afterwards we went to Smith's! We shopped the only way future RDs should shop at a grocery store.

Holla, 7 Peaks is now open!

We met my friend Elizabeth and her roommate there, it was a grand time.

Although, the lazy river was full of children trying to sabotage my relaxing evening, it will still be my favorite.

It's like who wore it best but instead it's who ate it best.

Costa Vida $5 burritos was a must on National Tortilla Day. 

Can I get an amen? ^^

Weird things at work keep me entertained hehe ^^

Ahhh there she is!!! Kortney in real life, all the way from NH. The fam got into SLC around midnight on a Monday. Kels and I decided to kidnap Kort and take her to Provo with us for a few days before we met everyone else up in ID. We had a lot planned while she was in Provo. First, was Rock Canyon the next morning! 

Some people *cough* Kels and Kort *cough* didn't eat breakfast so they were running low on energy.

We didn't hike very long but at least we went up to the cave :D

There she is again!

Sissies! Hearts all around.

Kels really liked this rock.

Thanks for the rock, nature.

tbh idk what we're doing. ^^

idk what they're doing either. ^^

After our "hike" we went to Pita Pit for lunch! HAHA we ate so much food with Kort while she was in Provo.

After lunch we got ready for our next adventure.

Our next stop was Sodalicious bc who goes to Provo and doesn't get Sodalicious?!

Kort was embarrassed to take this pic ^^

"let's be typical, girls" -- kort  

She wasn't even posing, I swear. She actually had to sneeze.

After Sodalicious we walked around BYU. I made them pose for this picture in front of the statue ^^

We went to the wilk after this and learned that "chick-fil-a is spicy". We also did a survey about pistachios and marketing and got a free chocolate bar out of it. At the BYU Store Kort and I bought the same shirt too!

We walked around the HFAC and found art.

It was very enjoyable.

In case you're wondering I found a couch in the bathroom.

I made Kort take a picture here. Isn't she darling?

Figured we should get one here too since we're gonna be seniors and all and we've never taken a pic here before.

After walking around BYU we picked up Kori for Taco Tuesday at Brasas!

And maybe we went to the BYU Creamery after?

It took like forever for the waffle cones but they were fresh and so worth it.

Graham Canyon + Earnestly Chocolate = heaven

The demon children ^^

After eating our ice cream a tragedy happened in the parking lot that only the people involved will know about. I'll leave it at that. Also, Kels remember that one time you almost got hit by a car in that parking lot and I saved you?

We went home and I changed so Kort could take pic of me for my online portfolio I'm creating for school. We drove up to squaw peak and down this weird dirt road. The bumpy ride was fun.

It was pretty!!!

Thank you for the head shots Kort!!

I'm awkwardly sitting on this log that Parker and Kelsey decided to use for the Olympics later.

I took some snaps of Kort. She kind of scared me with her natural modeling ability.

These two were being weird the whole time.

Sorry for the Kortney overload but she's just too cute!

LOL so this is a thing ^^

We're lucky that Kort snapped this at the right time. Kelsey is just really scared of mosquito's.

After taking pictures we drove up a little further to this AMAZING view to end the night.

The next morning I had work 7-12 and Kels worked 12-4 so we picked up Kels when she got off and went to Center Street for dinner. 

I made her take this picture too hehe.. she was wearing the cutest outfit ^^

We made a quick pit stop by the temple!

We know we had ice cream the day before but we really had to try this place while Kort was here! ^^

I got cheesecake with nutella and caramel.

Later that night Kort and I went to the mall and then met up with Kels and Parker and walked outside on this trail in Orem.

The next morning we woke up bright and early to drive to Idaho! We stopped for breakfast burritos at Rancheritos.

Posing at our favorite Maverick in Provo ^^

About three hours later we arrived at Grandmas house! The Dr. Pepper provided a much needed pick me up.

Kraw was doing voodoo on my phone and I found this zoomed in pic of Kyle with his best surprised face.

Later that evening was the viewing. Afterwards we went to Cafe Rio. The bug splattered windshield + sunset = Idaho. ^^

Always a good time with my peeps :))) ^^

We stayed at a hotel in Pocatello and I got to share the bed with Kels!!!! She definitely enjoys it more than I do. LOL. That was a joke.

Before the funeral I ate a HUGE strawberry and made Kraw take a picture of it.

Because of the gospel of Jesus Christ I know that families can be together forever and am overjoyed to have that knowledge! "How grateful I am to my Heavenly Father that in His plan there are no true endings only everlasting beginnings" -- dieter f. uchtdorf

Mom, Grandma, aunt, and uncles ^^

Ahhhh my favorite people in the world! ^^

My favorite Mom and Dad in the world hehe ^^

It's always a treat to visit Arimo.

For some reason I let Kort drive back to Gma's house and we got lost. Don't worry we didn't go far.

Roscoe (spelling?) greeted me warmly. 

I was being tortured by my cousins hah.

We had too much fun.

We were playing the game called pull Kayley up and then push her down.

Gma, Kels, Kort, and I drove back to the cemetery later that night. We brought some of the flowers back with us. 

The sunset looked pretty cool again this night.

The next morning we met the rest of the fam at Flags West (they stayed at the hotel). We ate breakfast and then drove back to Gma's house.

Kyle and Cathy had to catch a flight back to California but before we dropped them off at the airport we went to Maddox!!!

I had the pleasure of sitting next to Kraw.

Hahaha Kraw is ridiculous.

The turkey steak as usual :D ^^

The best chocolate to end the meal.

As we drove back down to Provo it was raining cats and dogs!!!! Luckily, we survived it and went to Culver's for shakes. I got PB + oreo! yum. Afterwards I got in the hot tub and then we went to see the fireworks that Orem was putting on, they were awesome!

^^ I may never be the same after seeing this 

I really enjoyed seeing my family and spending time with them, it was nice that Kyle and Cathy were able to come out too!

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