Thursday, December 10, 2015


November was a busy, but fun month! These are the highlights: 

As part of the Dietetics program we take a class where we run The Pendulum Court on campus. This was our last day of lab for the semester!! Hooray for 10 more hours of my life given back to me hah.

Annika and I had the same rotation in our lab. So fun to work together the whole time. She is awesome.

When you have to wait 45 minutes for a table at Chili' go to Ross and play with the magnifying glasses (&wear their hats lol).

so so so excited for this miss to become mrs


you know the bridal shower is legit when there are "mojitos"


so cute

We made mini fruit pizzas. ignore the juice dripping on the cookies plz

Britt and Kay set up the Christmas tree just in time for Thanksgiving!

GUESS WHO WE FOUND IN UT?! KORTNEY. now the party can start


the mountains are calling and we must go
also, Kort is a great photographer

November 21, 2015 - THE BIG DAY
We woke up early that morning to pick up the flowers and then drove to Salt Lake

pre-wedding family selfie

waiting for the bride & groom to come out of the temple

thank heavens for the sunshine or else we would've froze to death!

Kraw modeling the boutonniere 

Everyone's favorite brother lol



always a blast with these kids

and there they are #newlyweds

Blessed to have another Vallace in the fam!

C & K

Such a pretty reception venue.

when there's pizza >>>

the ring ceremony was in this room

We love our cousins.

Kay caught the bouquet oooh

Mother & son dance ... adorable

#newlyweds first dance

Kort doesn't like being kissed on the cheek ...

boom boom pow

wedding cake bliss

Sent the newlyweds off with sparklers!

so fun

bye bye newlyweds

When sissy comes to town ... 

you have slumber parties ...

and photo shoots ...

and scare people ...

and wear cat shirts ...

and do weird things ...

and make a mega bed ...

and act too innocent ...

and so much more ....

What is this.... Kelsey somehow made it into the shot. 

This is just too adorable for words. 

Kort is my favorite. 


It seems that there can never be too many selfies of Kayley and Krawford. 

Oh and selfies of Kayley and Kortney. 

Our family stayed at a hotel right down the street from our apartment so we were lucky enough to join them for breakfast every morning. 

Once again selfie central... 
But check out those snapchat filters. 

We were on our way to Preston, Idaho to visit our grandpa. 

Such beautiful faces. 

Of course we told our grandmother to pullover to the side of the road so that we could take a picture with the sign. 

There are just so many good things about Idaho. 

Kort snapped a picture on Kayley's phone as we were visiting our grandpa. <3

After visiting our grandpa, we drove up to our grandma's house. She made us these amazing homemade french fries. We've never seen homemade french fries look so perfect. 

We stayed the night at our grandma's house. The next morning we took a ride on her 4-wheeler. Oh kraw... 

In Idaho it's normal to watch a cow cross the street right in front of you. 

Kort was a good girl and wore a helmet. 

Up close and personal. 

Kortney is our personal photographer. 

Kelsey is really good at taking artsy photographs. 

Posing with the big boy. 

Before we left, we tried to take a picture all together using a self-timer. It's not really centered, but oh well. haha 

Kort mastered the art of summoning the wild cats. Our grandma's not sure how many she actually has haha Basically she just leaves food out for them to eat. 

Grandma's fence. 

This was a tester of course. 

Sweet sister hugs. 

Squinty eyes because it was very bright outside. 

Not sure if Kelsey's eyes are closed or open. 

These Idaho roads are made for tractor driving. 

Grandma's Crazy Breakfast #12335123

That night we had Thanksgiving with the Vallace fam. The turkey hat was a must. 

Late night milkshakes. 

Krawford created a beautiful background.

This is Kortney admiring the beautiful fish. 
We went to an aquarium in Draper and it was a lot of fun. 

Our daddy thought he was the only one taking a picture. hehe 

Riding a turtle!! WHEEE 

An elegant animal decided to swim right above us. 

So dramatic. 

Oh no!! We somehow ended up inside the jaws of a shark. 

Mr. Froggy 

We walked through this jungle thing. Our momma can even do it with no hands. 

Blue froggy. 

Kraw is cute with braces. 

Kayley was super excited. 

Just adventuring across this swingy thing. 

We were able to ride so many animals at this aquarium. 

We even surfed on top of a whale. 

Such a beautiful species. 

After the aquarium we checked out City Creek for a bit in Salt Lake. 

The next night we had to take Kort and Kraw to Sodalicious. 

Dranks in. 

We went to Cafe Rio for dinner. Not really sure what's happening in this picture..


Our family flew back to NH on Thanksgiving, but hashtag blessed because we were able to see them that morning before they left. 

After dropping our family off at the airport, we went to our Uncle Jack and Aunt Vicki's house for Thanksgiving food. We sat at the "kid table" A.K.A. the cool table. 

The delicious food we ate. 

After eating we made crafts. Kay fit right in with the kiddies. haha Silly silly. 

hehe so cute. 

As tradition holds, we went Black Friday shopping with our Aunt Suzy and grandma. It's always so much fun! On Saturday we went back to our grandma's house for the weekend. #roadtripsfordays That night we had our third Thanksgiving dinner of the week. Truly blessed. 

In the morning we had Grandma's Crazy Breakfast #123546542757. 

We hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and month of November! Because we sure did. :) 

K & K ♥

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