Friday, December 25, 2015

Home for the Holidays

Looking back on the first few weeks of December we were focused a lot on finals and finishing the semester. Kels had an easy finals week this semester and was done the Monday they started. Kay experienced food poisoning and then so much pressure in her ears she felt like she was on an {airplane} ride of a lifetime. LOL. that required two trips to the doctor to figure out. Thankfully through that all we were still able to get everything we needed done to make it home to NH!

We're so grateful for our extended family who live in UT and take great care of us. Uncle Bryan and Aunt Suzy took us to The Black Bear Diner for lunch and then dropped us off at the airport. Thanks for taking the pic Aunt Suzy hehe. Also, we love how it is almost symmetrical. Twins?

Walking onto the plane this woman sitting down talking on the phone proclaims to the person on the other end, "there are twins on the flight!" and proceeds to wink at us as we pass by. Later as we get off the flight she excitedly says goodbye. And then in the bathroom she sees us and just laughs. We love being able to make people so happy from our twin-ness LOL. Can't seem to go one day without experiences like that. 

I didn't notice this until later but the reindeer is holding Jello! Hahaha so Utah.

Neck pillows? Check. Time for lift off! Bye UT.

Mid-flight innocence. We enjoyed spying on the girl to the side of us during the flight. Creepers or no?

About 4 hours later we landed in Boston. We were blessed bc our family didn't forget about us and they were there to pick us up. After another hour of traveling home we finally made it into bed before 2 AM.

The next morning we enjoyed Dad's crazy breakfast #1. hehe

When you only see each other for a few weeks out of the year you're allowed unlimited selfies together.

Visited the Merrimack Ward and their wonderful Christmas program.

When you're so hungry and had to stay after for tithing settlement...

After church we ran home for some leftover pizza and a visit with the Hometeacher and then we were off again to pick up the newlyweds!

For dinner we enjoyed Fire + Ice !! If you haven't ate there, you should. You choose from a ton of ingredients on a buffet table and then bring it to a round grill for them to cook. 

Thanks for taking the pic Dad!

The Christmas lights around Boston were so fun.

Monday the 21st Kort and Kraw had school and Kyle...ahem...Mr. Vallace was substituting and Dad had work. Kels, Kay, Mom, and Cathy went out shopping to prepare for Christmas and we stopped at Wendy's for a quick lunch. The value menu though >

Later that night when everyone was home and Kort was able to take work off {yippee} we went to Moe's for burritoooos. Afterwards, as tradition all the kids went shopping for each other. 

Tuesday the 22nd we visited Kort at MHS!!! She did a project on Dr. Pepper for "the world fair". 

LOL. We even got Kraw and Kyle and Brianna in the pic! Mr. Vallace was a sub, Kraw was there for his class, and Brianna wanted to be a Vallace. If only Dad had been there.

Kort did a great job giving out samples. BUT only if they answered a trivia question .. she was very strict about that. No cheaters.

Mad they didn't have this snapchat filter back in the day.

You think they would've given us special alumni stickers. Guess not.

We were able to play a fly swatter game. That was a riot. The score was 6-5, guess who won. Not Kayley.

Later that night, after Clam Chowder and Chicken Enchilada Soup we built our gingerbread houses!

Not sure if this is candid or not.

Wednesday the 23rd began like normal we worked out, ate breakfast, showered ... and we don't remember what else happened hehe. Well apparently Kort and Kels took pictures with their gingerbread house. 

playing peek-a-boo with the manor they decorated

OH and we had Papa Gino's pizza for dinner. Just for Kyle. And Kraw put a lobster on Kayley's face.

Wound down with a good book. Kay finished the novel Shelter by Frances Greenslade. It was really slow at the beginning but once I got past that part I couldn't stop reading.

Typical. Kels shooing Kay away.

Flashback...a few weeks ago we went up to SLC with our friend Jane. She needed to take some photographs for her class. Afterwards we were starving so we got some burgers.


Later that night we visited downtown Provo for the Christmas tree lighting and market.

It really put us in the Christmas spirit!

They even had llamas. Later we went to Humor U and then Kneaders for 1/2 off desserts! Such a fun girls day.

Kels, Cathy, & Kyle went to Ivie after working out one morning.

When Kels is making chocolate chip cookies she doesn't mess around. These things were huge.

K & K ♥

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