Monday, August 31, 2015

LFOD day 5 & 6: CANADA

When Dad gave us the option of spending a day + night in Canada, we said YES !

We made a pit stop at Ben & Jerry's in Vermont.

The Tonight Dough is legit, everyone must try it.



We can only dream that we drove this van.

Mom's all cute while Kort is doing what she does best.

I forgot to mention it was 10 AM. Yes we got Ben & Jerry's for breakfast lol.

Cones in peeps.

Grateful for this sis.

We brought so many snacks it basically had its own seat in the middle, probably should've buckled that bad boy up.

Over hurr Kort.

After almost 4 hours of driving we made it to the border !

bonjour! - the first sight of French.

This McDonald's is very memorable for reasons that won't be mentioned. We're just very grateful for it.

Twins in Canada !

Fun sidewalk chalk.

All the French signs were so fun, others may not agree.

Enjoyed these street performers as we walked through Montreal.

We ate at this steakhouse for dinner - it was delicious !

Mommy looking over the menu.

If you ever plan on eating here plan on at least 3 hours ... it was a very slow paced restaurant to say the least.

Checking out the menu like Mommy.

Thankfully the other side was in English :)

This is the epitome of a crusty warm dinner roll. lol

gimme gimme

The bacon bits in this Caesar salad really made it that much more great.

Steak & Frites served with bacon butter :))

Loved walking around and enjoying the atmosphere and cobble stone road.

We continued walking around Montreal for a little bit longer after we ate.

KKKK in Kanada

So fabulous.

Kort is cute.

 lol @ Kels - love how the purple mascara is showing up quite nicely in this pic

We saw a bunch of old churches - love the architecture.


lol @ Kort

Chinatown in Montreal, YES.

Twins who hold hands on road trips

Once we were able to check into our hotel we dropped our stuff off then we were off to our next adventure ! Dad wouldn't tell us where we were going but once we saw Moroni we knew where he was taking us - the temple. It's being renovated right now so we couldn't get out and walk around unfortunately.

This Canadian sunset was gorgeous.

After a long day of driving and walking we went to the pool and hot tub at the hotel and relaxed the rest of the night.

OOTD with Kort

Time to leave Canada !

Breakfast at the hotel before driving home.

We made a pit stop at the Cabot cheese store. YAY for cheese !

Hit traffic in Manchvegas but were on our way shortly!

That night we visited a Merrimack icon - King Kone ! Pictured is pumpkin & vanilla swirl with a peanut brittle crunch.

lol @ Kevin trying to lick Kelsey's cone, good thing he doesn't actually eat sugar. We were so happy that Kevin visited Merrimack while he was in New England too !!

K & K ♥

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