Sunday, August 14, 2016

AUGUST 2016 PART one

-- AUGUST 2016 PART one -- 

Guess what? We turned TWENTY-ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have enjoyed celebrating our birthday, going to Vegas, and more fun before school starts.

Spent the first day of August at the Temple! 

"The temple is the knot that ties heaven and earth together." - Bruce C. Hafen

A little after midnight on our birthday Parker told us we were going to Lagoon in the morning.

We left at 10 AM to make it there by 11 AM, when it opened. It wasn't very busy when we arrived so we were able to get on the rides quickly! 

Bumper cars was probably the highlight of the day. Parker thought he was funny and attacked us right as it started!! We were laughing so hard we couldn't move hehe.

The sassy high-school boy working in the gift shop was fun.

Kelsey was really really really excited to be riding a frog, probably too excited.

birthday twins!

We left the park for lunch and went to Zupas. Yum.

We gave each other matching "it's my birthday" tats!! 

Old Man Behind us in Line: "Sixteen and never been kissed?"
Us: "actually twenty-one (and have been kissed)"
Old Man Behind us in Line: *laughs like it's a joke*

We rode the Ferris Wheel twice ... after so many roller coasters it was all I could handle.

Thank you Parker for taking us to Lagoon!!! It was a blast!

Driving home we got stuck in traffic! The worst. We talked to our family and opened the box of goodies they sent us. We got these sweet glasses ^^

We hurried home to get ready for our birthday dinner at Los Hermanos!

A (virgin) drink on my 21st was a must hehehe.

Smothered burrito ^^

Thank you to everyone who came!

sombrero wearing birthday twins ^^

oh heyyy cute friends.

This one is my favorite lol ^^

twerkin' friends :D ^^

After dinner we went back to Alpine for cake/cheesecake!

Kori (bless her heart) made us the most delicious cake that Kels is holding. Love her! She also brought the cutest candles and BYU ice cream!!! Earnestly Chocolate ... my favvvvv.

The next morning we left at 9 AM for VEGAS!
The A/C was working like crazy so we mostly cuddled up and napped on the way.

We stopped in St. George for Chick-fil-a and gas.

OH and Swig was a must.

YAY. We finally made it to the Hoover Dam 5 hours later.

Not to be over dramatic BUT it was sooooo hot and windy and we thought we were going to die.

hehehe the wind got nothin' on us

Thank you kind gentlemen for offering to take a pic of us :D our hair looks so good in it, not in our faces at all!!! Well ... I'm speaking for Kori and myself.

The trip would not have been the same without these hooligans ^^


After seeing the Hoover Dam we met up with Cathy and went to M&M World.

While waiting for Kyle to arrive we took some pictures.

Had to show my ID only once ... for sitting at a table.

Once Kyle got there we went to the Spice Market Buffet!

So many yummy things including cotton candy!

After dinner we decided to head home since we still had a lot of driving left. I drove one of Kyle and Cathy's cars back to Provo with Kori and Sydney.

We stopped for gas and drinks with energy shots!!! sosososo grateful that Kori was there to keep me company. We made it back to Provo around 5 AM and were exhausted.

Forever entertained at work ^^

I went to the new City Center Temple with Lilly and Kylie!

Free pizza for my bday from Pizza Studio. Whole grain crust, feta, and veggies!

Our good ol' Wynne's bachelorette party!!!

We each brought a pair of panties that represents us and Wynne had to guess who brought which one. haha

Congrats on getting married Wynne! YAY! We're so happy for you!

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