Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Beginning of Summer

Kels is finally done with spring classes! No more story reading, puppetry, drama, and storytelling. How sad. She might have to bring out her sock puppet this summer to relive the memories... 

We decided to officially start summer by going to the nearest water park, Seven Peaks! 

Bun, check. Sunnies, check. Twins, check. 

This is right before Kayley started to fly away with her wings. 

On our way to Seven Peaks. Where screaming children and viewing people pick their wedgies await us. YAY

Welp, there's the sign. 

Seven Peaks is so close to the mountain! We could almost touch it. 

View 1 

View 2 

Kay was chugging that water like a camel. 

Basically we just sat in a tube and went around and around in the lazy river. Very relaxing. Before we got there kels said, "Let's go in the lazy susan!" haha OOPS 

We stopped at Rumbi for lunch after and it was sooo good. 

We both got the same thing because twins. Caesar salad with salmon and rice. 

We love going outside! Especially in the summer. After we ate lunch we hung out at the pool at our apartment. Summer for us has always included reading lots of books! Kels just finished reading Identical by Ellen Hopkins and highly suggests it. 

The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever. xoxo

We went to a rodeo called STRAWBERRY DAYS. But really we were just there to see all the hot cowboys in their tight Wrangler jeans. 

Ok horsies, on the count of 3, I want you all to smile. 1, 2, 3... 

Still no cooperation. 

Group shot. We went with Crystal and Michelle. 

Everyone who goes to strawberry days knows about the strawberries and cream. So of course, we had to try it! It's literally just strawberries and cream and it's super delish!

We made the mistake of going on Kid's Night. #neveragain Families in Utah have a lot of kids so let's just say the proportion of adults to kids was very low. 

Thank you kind sir for taking our pic. 

blurry pic + horse butt + Crystal yelling out the car window on the way home = a one-of-a-kind night. 

We went to DQ with Erick because we just really wanted blizzards. 

We happened to go on old couple date night. <3 So cute! 

We have an awesome new roommate named Joy! She's from Iraq and she is very funny. She's Muslim, but she loves Mormons and BYU. haha She just whipped up this sweet dish the other night and gave it to us. She is so nice! 

Kay trying her first Iraqian dessert. 

Night drive somewhere cool 

Twin date to see the new movie Inside Out! 

Love, Peace, Kittens 

K & K ♥

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