Sunday, October 30, 2016


-- October 2016 --

October was an absolute blast, so many good times.

Kels and I visited grandma the first weekend! We enjoyed watching LDS conference, eating taco soup, and the rainbow we saw in Preston while shopping.^^ We stopped by Deseret Book and they gave us free pillows for their GNO event since the Priesthood Session was that night!

The gravestone was put on grandpa's grave so we went to look at it and help grandma put flowers on it. ^^

I put in my two-week notice at UVH this month. It was a fun twenty-five months but it's time to move on! YAY for new beginnings.

The BEST thing that happened this month was flying to BOSTON!!! I received a scholarship from school to attend the Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo. The cherry on top was being able to see my family while I was out there!!!!

Daddy picked me up :D ^^

We were stuck in major traffic so we happened to do a lot of sightseeing hehe.

Finally made it home after traveling for what seemed like ten million hours! ^^

The next morning I made pumpkin muffins and enjoyed the backyard foliage. #tistheseason

For lunch Dad invited Mom and me to his work!

Once Kortney got home from school we went to a park to take pics :) ^^

Having fun with all the girls! ^^

Thanks for the head-shot Kort ;) ^^


Later that night Mom, Dad, and I went to Noodles & Co. for dinner and saw Deepwater Horizon! #thirdwheel

Kort had work and Kraw had a football game so they weren't able to come with.

It was okay tho because later that night I got to see Kort at work and have a slumber party!

Saturday morning we went apple picking!

For lunch we went to the The Lobster Boat. It was yumyumyum.

Hahaha I think this picture is funny ^^

Having a good time at The Lobster Boat. ^^

After eating lunch we drove to Boston so I could attend the opening session of the conference and check into my hotel.

The conference was at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center! After attending the opening session we drove to the Hartford, Connecticut Temple Open House. 

The badge. #official ^^

Sitting in between these two while driving about two hours to the temple was cozy! ^^

We loved touring the temple! It was beautiful!

Temples bring me so much peace and happiness!!!! :) If you're interested in learning more check out this site:

Surprise! I saw Kori's sister who is serving in the Boston Mission hahaha. We had to get a pic to send to Kori :D

After the open house we went to Frank Pepe's for pizzaaaa!

Sipping RB with my girlfrand ^^

After eating pizza we quickly went back to Boston to drop me off at my hotel.

The next two.five days was spent attending sessions and visiting the expo! The expo was my favorite!! It was basically grown-up trick or treating for dietitians. We never had to buy lunch because there was so much food!

Grateful that Jeanice was my roomie! We had so much fun together! ^^

There were a bunch of cute lil photo shoot things set up at the expo. If you know me you know why I chose the banana...

This is only half of the freebies I got :D ^^
So many protein bars, protein powder, gluten free/dairy free/nut free/basically everything free food. hahaha

California Almonds gave out these cute bags and little tins that fit in it a portion size of almonds. And maybe we got a free portable phone charger for posting this pic heh ^^

One night we walked to Quincy Market for dinner and the North End for cannoli's!

Lobstah rolls and Clam Chowda are a New England classic so of course that's what we got!

Fun times with these ladies! ^^

I got a chocolate dipped cannoli and it was heavenly. ^^

The last day of the conference I got to sit in an egg.

We were sad that it was the last day :( ^^

FNCE was an amazing experience! I was so blessed to be able to attend this year.

The closing session ^^

Some of my BYU classmates and BYU interns who were lucky enough to attend! ^^
The trip went by too fast but after seven days of being gone it was time to head back to UT and get caught up on school.

I found the cutest pumpkin patch called Kuwahara Farms. So lucky to have friends that will do fun things like this wit me ^^

After sitting on hay my leg got all red and itchy! Happy to finally know what I'm allergic to hahaha.

We kept asking this little boy who worked there to take pictures for us lolz.

Later that night we dressed up as Who's for a Halloween party! 

The Grinch completed us.

Ahhhh ^^

Went to a comedy show wit my people ^^

Celebrated Halloween with Lilo! ^^

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