Sunday, January 1, 2017


-- December 2016 --

december was filled with finals & family! after i finished finals i went home to NH for a couple of weeks! 

^^ tweeted a selfie on campus for free Sodalicious from the BYU Women's volleyball team! thanks to Kyle for keeping me up to date on all the freebies :D

^^ waffle parties are my kinda parties 

^^ hoe hoe hoe

^^ celebrating Elena's 21st!

^^ i made peppermint brownies 

^^ amber went to a white elephant Christmas party with me! She got a light up hat so we had to take a pic with it and my light up sweater :)

^^ lilly let me visit her ward!! v grateful i went because they gave us swig cookies in relief society!

^^ also lilly's dress is so cute and perfect for Christmas

^^ hahaha no comment

^^ grateful for friends to suffer through finals with. this was our post-finals celebration party before we all left for Christmas!

^^ also v awkward pictures but had to keep for the mems

^^ kels and i gearing up to fly home!!!

^^ our flight was at midnight Saturday the 17th so we hung out with bryan, suzy, and jayden before heading to the airport. we went to bww for din din.

^^ we also had some fun with a bunny

^^ we made it to the airport! we were so tired haha.

^^ we wore our sleep masks but still didn't sleep very well :( by the time we got to boston and picked up our luggage it was 7:20 a.m. so we went to cracker barrel for breakfast!

^^ when we got home we all took a nap and then got ready for church

^^ i missed this sweet sissy of mine

^^ kraw's hair gets more and more beautiful every time i see it

^^ kels and i relaxed by the fireplace while the rest of the fam was at tithing settlement

^^ lunch date with mommy and kels at panera bread

^^ cute mommy

^^ hawaiian chicken bake

^^ we went to the mall to shop for gifts for each other and we saw santa! the fire alarm was also going off and we realized it was bc people were stuck in the elevator haha 

^^ i got the harvest mac n cheese from not your average joe's. it was amazing!

^^ basically us every day of break

^^ we helped dad put together Christmas gifts and boy was it a good time. kort's face explains it all.

^^ i made oatmeal after working out and it was almost too pretty to eat. steel cut oats + honey + bananas + strawberries + blackberries + coconut 

^^ kort and i had a hot chocolate fantasy party since the one she was invited to by a teacher at mhs got cancelled :D


^^ we tried to make whip cream mustaches

^^ kort made it all fancy for us!

^^ hahaha so awkward

^^ kels and i wrapped presents extra special this year! we had fun adding all the ribbon. 

December 24, 2016


^^ ate some cheesecake before dinner bc that is how we roll

^^ KRAW'S MY BFF even tho he won't let me be his bff

^^ this was our classic prime rib Christmas Eve din din! *heart eyes* i was good this year so i got the end piece :D

^^ after din din we started making sugar cookies!

^^ mom let me borrow her apron :)))

^^ didn't they turn out so CUTE?

^^ time to unwrap Christmas jammies 

^^ prepare yourself for our annual Christmas photo-shoot that kraw and kort were too cool to join


^^ lol kels was in the process of trying to lift me up

^^ rl bff's

^^ after watching the nativity and some Christmas youtube videos these lil kids started falling asleep 

unfortunately I couldn't fall asleep until 4 a.m. bc I was too excited for santa. jk my pepsi max had too much caffeine  in it :/

December 25, 2016

we woke up around 9 a.m. on Christmas, looked at our presents from Santa, ate breakfast, and then unwrapped gifts under the tree! after unwrapping gifts kels and i took our Christmas naps! hehe

"when we keep the spirit of Christmas, we keep the spirit of Christ, for the Christmas spirit is the Christ spirit"

December 26, 2016

i didn't take any pictures this day but we went to Chunky's and saw Passengers!

December 27, 2016

this day we went snow tubing!!

December 28, 2016

i didn't take any pictures this day but it was mommy's birthday! we went to kraw's track meet at UNH, Shorty's for dinner, and then ate cake.

December 29, 2016

kels and i went to breakfast at Buckley's Bakery & Cafe with jen! it was stormy this day but we ventured out later that night to see Rogue One.

December 30, 2016

it was so snowy when i woke up this day. my backyard was so pretty. mom made chocolate chip waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, yum. we relaxed at home most of the day but went out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. after dinner kort and i had a spa night!

December 31, 2016

happy new year's eve! we drove about two hours north to see the ice castles. it was so cool but FREEZING. our toes are still defrosting. 


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